Regardless of age, or sex, we all want our skin to look glowy, radiant, and plump.
As we age our skin begins to produce less oil and there is a breakdown of elastic and collagen fibers. By the time you hit your 50s this unfortunate life progression is well underway. Our skin becomes drier, thinner and loosens as we age.
This means a proper skin-care regimen needs to include ingredients that provide moisture retention and strengthened barrier to protect the dermis.

A few things happen to skin as it ages. Because collagen begins to break down and skin produces less oil, new skin concerns start to crop up. That can range from dullness to wrinkling to hyperpigmentation. A good moisturiser can be helpful at addressing all of these concerns, provided you have the right combination of ingredients.
The best moisturisers for mature skin include ingredients such as Resveratrol that hydrates the dermis, Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that may be effective at reducing UV damage on the skin. And vitamin E applied topically may help nourish and protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.
Kakadu plums which are a rich source of Vitamin C, an important ingredient in many skin care creams, masks, and lotions. It acts against the free radicals formed on your skin and protects your skin from harmful effects done by them. Kakadu plums help prevent symptoms of ageing on the skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Not every moisturiser will have all of them — and not every one will need all of them, either — however the experts are in agreement that these are the most common ingredients that will give the most noticeable results.
Resveratrol is an expensive ingredient therefor many skincare brands use limited amounts. However the better the skincare the higher the Resveratrol content.
SKINmas skincare Luminosity Moisturiser is an amazing and affordable moisturiser containing all the ingredients to promote healthy mature skin.

Most importantly SKINmas skincare's Luminiosity Moisturiser contains an extremely high concentration of Resveratrol making it a very effective moisturiser to hydrate skin with reduced oil concentration.
The other benefits of SKINmas skincare luminosity moisturiser are that it contains all the ingredients outlined above while being extremely affordable. Although this is a mid level price range price range moisturiser it exceeds concentration levels of top priced face moisturises making it an extremely good product choice no matter what way you look at it. Because of these reasons we believe this is the best face moisturiser for mature skin hands down!
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